Common Reasons Your Gas Heater May Stop Working

Few things are more alarming than waking up or walking into a home on a freezing winter day to discover that your gas heater is no longer properly warming up the house. Before you panic and begin worrying about how much it will cost to replace your heater, it is best to contact a reputable HVAC company to inspect your heater. A gas heater can stop working for a number of reasons, and in many cases, the issues causing the problem can be repaired by a professional. [Read More]

Space Heaters: A Closer Look At Temporary Heating While Waiting For Your HVAC Technician

When you are rolled in heating blankets and desperately trying to stay warm while waiting for an HVAC technician to come and repair your furnace, you can use a number of different portable heaters to keep your house warm. The following selection of heaters are available for sale from most home improvement, hardware, and big box stores. Just make sure you heed the warnings on the boxes/in the instructions when using these heaters. [Read More]

Cleaning Your Air Conditioner's Outdoor Condenser Unit Keeps Air Flowing Freely Throughout The System

Your air conditioner's condenser unit sits outside, which makes it vulnerable to becoming clogged with dust and debris. You should clean the unit at least once a year — the best time of year to do so is during the spring, which clears off any leaves that fall during the winter and ensures your air conditioner is ready for the warmer months. Cleaning your condenser unit will improve its airflow and reduce the risk that it will overheat, so it's an important maintenance task that helps to increase the longevity of your air conditioning system. [Read More]

Wondering How To Pay For A/C Replacement? Tips For Financially Stressed Households

Summer heat is more than uncomfortable for many households across the nation. When a member of a household suffers from a serious respiratory health problem, it may be medically necessary for them to remain indoors in an air-conditioned space. Central air conditioning systems do more than just cool the air. In fact, they remove the excessive humidity that can make healthy lung function painful and more difficult for those with some types of respiratory health conditions. [Read More]