Deciding To Stick With Heating Oil Or Switch To Natural Gas

Sometimes homeowners must decide whether they want to continue using a heating oil furnace or switch to natural gas. Oil furnaces are prevalent in the northeastern United States and also are found in fewer numbers throughout the country. If these households decide to make the change, contractors providing furnace installation service are ready to complete the project. Two Scenarios The need for this decision generally happens in two kinds of scenarios. [Read More]

Baseboard Vs Furnace? Helpful Residential Heating Information For Prospective Home Buyers

Savvy homebuyers understand the importance of looking beyond cosmetic finishes to learn as much as possible about each home's structure and systems. For example, prospective buyers typically want to gather knowledge about the type of heat each home offers.  During this process, additional questions often arise, such as how electric baseboard heaters compare to an electric furnace. Buyers who would like to learn more about each of these residential heat sources may find the following information helpful as they work through the process of selecting their next home. [Read More]

Missed Something? How To Identify Air Conditioner Fan Problems You Might Have Missed Last Summer

If your air conditioner hasn't been on your mind since you turned it off for the winter, you might have missed something. It's always a good idea to have your air conditioner undergo one final service inspection before you shut it down for the winter. This is especially true where the fan motor is concerned. Most people don't pay much attention to the fan motor, especially since it's located outside. To make sure you didn't miss something this year, pay close attention to your fan motor when you power up your air conditioner again next year. [Read More]

Six Simple Mistakes That Make A Furnace System Less Efficient

You might be under the misconception that making your furnace system more efficient requires investing in a unit or expensive new technologies. Actually, there might be a lot of simple things that you can do to make your furnace system more efficient and thereby cut back on your utility bills this winter. The following are six simple mistakes you can correct to make the furnace on your property more efficient.  [Read More]