An HVAC Humidifier Could Relieve Dry Itchy Skin And Protect Your Wood Furniture From Drying Out

If you're dreading winter because it's always so dry inside your home, you might need to invest in a humidifier. While you can buy a small unit that keeps your bedroom in the proper humidity range while you sleep, a better option is to have a humidifier added to your HVAC unit. Here are choices in HVAC humidifiers and how they're installed. Why You May Want A Central Humidifier [Read More]

Air Conditioner Compressors, Leaks, And Repairs To Get Your Home Cool Again

The compressor of your AC is the most important component, as well as the most vulnerable. Problems with the compressor can lead to leaks and issues with your air conditioner not cooling your home. Therefore, you want to know when there is a problem with the AC compressor that needs to be repaired. The following air conditioner compressor problems can cause the leaks that cause your home to not be cool. [Read More]

Summer Is Winding Down: 3 Ways To Get Your AC Ready For The Change

Now that summer is almost officially over, it's time to start prepping your home for winter. You may still be using your air conditioner, but that will probably change in a few weeks. Once you stop using your air conditioner, you'll need to schedule a service appointment. During the service appointment, the HVAC technician will check for problems that need to be addressed. You might think that's all you need to do for your air conditioner, but that's not the case. [Read More]

What You Should Know About Air Conditioner Replacement

Central air conditioners have an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years, so air conditioner replacement isn't a task that most homeowners have to deal with very often. When it's time to upgrade your AC, there are a few things you should know to be prepared and get the most out of your new unit. Check the SEER Before Buying an AC Modern central air conditioners are significantly more energy-efficient than those from even the last decade. [Read More]