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Baseboard Vs Furnace? Helpful Residential Heating Information For Prospective Home Buyers

Savvy homebuyers understand the importance of looking beyond cosmetic finishes to learn as much as possible about each home's structure and systems. For example, prospective buyers typically want to gather knowledge about the type of heat each home offers. 

During this process, additional questions often arise, such as how electric baseboard heaters compare to an electric furnace. Buyers who would like to learn more about each of these residential heat sources may find the following information helpful as they work through the process of selecting their next home. 

Learning the benefits of electric heat

One of the first things to understand when seeking to compare electric baseboard heat with an electric furnace is that both offer the benefits found in utilizing electricity to produce heat. Unlike heat created by burning fuels like gas or oil, electric baseboard heaters and electric furnaces do not need to burn fuel to create heat.

Since no smoke, fumes, or residue is created as heat is produced, no chimney, flues, or vents are needed. Homes with electric baseboard heaters or electric furnaces also create less dust during operation, decreasing the number of dusting chores homeowners may face. 

Understanding the differences

One of the main benefits found in the use of electric baseboard heaters is that they can heat all or part of a home without the use of ducts or the installation of a central unit. Baseboard heaters move heat through convection, meaning that heaters are often placed near windows and doors where air currents help to lift and move the heat throughout the room. 

Additionally, electric furnaces operate differently than baseboard heaters by producing heat in only one central location, then using fans and blowers to move it throughout the home. Because the production of heat is confined to one central unit, a central electric furnace typically uses less energy for whole-house heating than several baseboard heaters positioned throughout the home.

While an electric furnace that has been correctly sized and properly installed is likely to be more economical overall, the addition of one or more electric baseboard heaters can help increase comfort in rooms or spaces where drafts or chilly conditions have been a problem. 

Getting additional facts

When considering which home to purchase, prospective buyers don't have to just trust their own knowledge. Instead, they can choose to seek an expert's opinion on the overall condition of the existing heat source by using an inspection contingency in their offer. 

A reputable residential heating services contractor can examine an existing heating system and help prospective buyers understand how each type of heating system works and any improvements it might need to increase output while keeping heating bills within an acceptable range. Contact a company for more information regarding residential heating
