Know What To Do When Your Heater Breaks

If your heater fails during the summer, you are unlikely to notice until you try to turn it on during the fall. When that first fall cold snap happens and the heater fails to come on, you still have time to deal with it before it becomes a serious issue. On the other hand, when the heater fails in the middle of a cold snap, you need to ensure that you have everything on hand to deal without heat for awhile. [Read More]

Are Your Dirty Ducts Making Your Business Sick?

Overlooking your commercial exhaust system is a big mistake. Just because you can't "see" a problem with it, it doesn't mean that there's not one. Dirty exhaust vents can house a wide variety of harmful bacteria and chemical residue, not to mention the typical dust and debris that ventilation systems pick up through their everyday use. If you aren't keeping your exhaust and ventilation system cleaned and maintained, here are some of the problems you might experience. [Read More]

Clean Away Creosote And Make Your Fireplace Safe For The Winter

With the cold season rapidly approaching, it's time to clean your fireplace. A dirty fireplace contains dangerous chemicals like creosote, which is a waste product of burning wood. But you can make your fireplace safe for the upcoming winter by cleaning the one place creosote shows up the most – your chimney. Here's what you should know about creosote and the best methods to get rid of it. How Creosote Forms in Your Chimney [Read More]