An HVAC Humidifier Could Relieve Dry Itchy Skin And Protect Your Wood Furniture From Drying Out
If you're dreading winter because it's always so dry inside your home, you might need to invest in a humidifier. While you can buy a small unit that keeps your bedroom in the proper humidity range while you sleep, a better option is to have a humidifier added to your HVAC unit. Here are choices in HVAC humidifiers and how they're installed.
Why You May Want A Central Humidifier
By adding a humidifier to your HVAC unit, your entire home will have higher humidity so you'll be comfortable no matter what room you're in. Plus, the furniture in your house benefits from having humidity in the right range.
High humidity isn't good, and low humidity isn't good either. When your home is too dry, your wood furniture can dry out and crack. Ensuring your humidity is kept in the safe range protects your house, your belongings, and your skin.
Options In HVAC Humidifiers
Your HVAC contractor can help you choose the right type of humidifier based on the location of your furnace and whether your ducts are in a conditioned space. Some units work better than others with the best ones costing more. If you have valuable artwork or fine furniture, you may want the more expensive type of humidifier for the best protection.
The best choice is probably a steam unit. This humidifier is connected to an electrical supply so it can heat up water to create steam. The steam is then introduced to the air that blows out of your furnace so the air that circulates through your home has more humidity.
A different option is a bypass humidifier. This is less expensive, but it is also less efficient. This is set up so the air from your furnace blows over a wet pad. The air pulls moisture from the pad so humidity increases and your home is less dry.
Both types of humidifiers work while your furnace is running. The steam version can also work without the help of your furnace, but your HVAC contractor may recommend doing that only if your ducts are in a conditioned space so condensation doesn't form in them. Both humidifiers also need a humidistat so they operate in a controlled range.
How An HVAC Humidifier Is Installed
You'll need an HVAC contractor to install the humidifier. The installation involves cutting out a space on the furnace or ducts so the humidifier can be slipped in. It's also necessary to attach a water line and to connect the humidistat to the humidifier and to the furnace control panel.
Once your unit is installed, it should operate with little need for maintenance. However, the humidifier should be serviced at least once a year when you have your furnace tuned up to get ready for the winter season. Reach out to an HVAC contractor to learn more.